The first Nutritious, Low-Starch, Allergen-Free, One-To-One All-Purpose Flour.


Some of our most frequently asked questions

Yes S.M.A.R.T. (Sorghum, Millet, Arrowroot, Brown Rice, Tapioca) is easy to use and a great substitute for any flour, it works best as a one to one in traditional recipes, mom’s old-fashioned favorites or simply “ the best of” from the internet. The only umdraw back with having so much more vitamins and minerals than wheat and all gluten-free flour, is that S.M.A.R.T. Blend tends to be a little heavy and requires more traditional intuitive baking methods. Like sifting the flour, whipping your egg whites separately into sift peaks, and folding them in slowly, are some old-fashioned baking tricks that adds air and lightness. Also, as a rule I always use 1.5 to 2 times the liveners called for in the recipe, like double acting baking powder, cream of tartar, baking soda and yeast, along with apple cider vinegar to create more CO2 bubbles makes the best use of S.M.A.R.T. Blend and makes for lighter cakes or pastries.

Although S.M.A.R.T.  Blend is allergen-free, it is only 40% starch, which makes it lower in starch than most gluten-free flour blends currently sold.  Being 60% Superfoods & Ancient Whole Grains, It works best with traditional recipes. Not so much with the newer gluten-free or specialty recipes like dairy-free. These recipes are designed for the highly processed, high starch, white rice flours with no nutrition content.

The best way to use S.M.A.R.T. Blend is to use your old favorite recipes, bake with your senses and intuition, and confidently transform your favorite recipes into delicious more nutritious low starch gluten-free, easily replace dairy with coconut milk, or make your own butter milk using fresh lemon juice or apple cider along with coconut milk.

Simply put, it is the difference between science and the power of natures’ foods. We are healthiest and strongest when we are closest to nature, that stands true by how good we feel being outside,  but more importantly in the food we eat.

Not only is S.M.A.R.T. Blend a nutritious low-starch, allergen-free, all-purpose flour, but with 60% of natures finest superfoods & ancient whole grains, S.M.A.R.T. Blend nourishes your body with more than 15 essential nutrients, naturally coming from your food. Just look at the nutrition facts. Unlike enriched wheat flour S.M.A.R.T. Blend has NEVER been touched by science NO stripping , refining, processing, bleaching, modifying, genetic modification, or most importantly enriched with 8 synthetic nutrients. S.M.A.R.T.  Blend is low in starch with only 40% starch. NO nutritionally void Corn, Potato, modified starches, or white rice, which are the ingredients of most Gluten-free flour. We digest nature not science and why you never feel heavy, like your digesting a brick, but nourished, energized and light after eating S.M.A.R.T. Blend.

Yes with the flat rate of 14.95