The Peetz Tribe
Are Moms, Families, Bakers, Pastry Chefs and Chefs that value their health above all, and understand the importance of consuming quality ingredients.
Share a recipe you have baked the S.M.A.R.T. Way!
IF we post it on our recipe/blog, a thank you with recognition to the contributor and a link to your company’s website or family blog.
You will receive 10% off the next purchase of Peetz S.M.A.R.T Blend!
- Pay it forward by teaching, learning and sharing your experiences, tricks, and ideas baking it the S.M.A.R.T. Way on social media.
- Sharing tips and collaborating with others certainly helps improve your baking skills while learning how to bake allergen-free.
- Chefs, Pastry Chefs and Bakers can Cross-market and promote their Restaurant or Business
- Interact directly with Peter, the allergen-free baking authority, and the founder of Peetz. The holistic nutritionist that formulated S.M.A.R.T. Blend Superfood & Ancient Whole Grain flour. Receive health tips on leading a sugar/allergen-free lifestyle and how to transform traditional recipes into delicious m, more nutritious allergen-free alternatives.
- Learn how to address a leaky gut and the autoimmune diseases( Celiac or rheumatoid arthritis), food intolerances and sensitivities that stem from it.
- In view of the last 11 years of experience transforming traditional recipes into delicious more nutritious options. Peter is undeniably, the allergen-free recipe-writing and baking authority. Take the opportunity to ask questions.