Introducing Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Bread: Healthier delicious and more Nutritious than all Gluten / Allergen-Free Options, the taste and texture will blow your mind.
Inspired by my daughter, who like me is intolerant to gluten and dairy, this was my first recipe in 2012. When she was 2, she walked around my bakery eating the centres of this bread.
Imagine enjoying fresh, soft, squishy sandwiches like everyone else, that are NUTRITIOUS, Low-Starch, Allergen-Free, made from bread that nourishes your body with more than 21 digestible Vitamins and Minerals, 2g of fibre and protein and only 1g of sugar, in a 39g slice. All from the energy and power of nature’s superfoods and ancient whole grains.
Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Bread is more nutritious than all competing gluten / allergen-free options and most wheat flour products.
Except for egg, Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Bread is ALLERGEN-FREE with NO Gluten, Corn, Soy, Casein (Dairy), Nuts, Peanuts, Legumes or Pulses.
LOW-STARCH with NO Corn, Potato, Modified Starches or white rice.
By: Registered Holistic Nutritionist Peter de Hoog from Peetz
The first and only 60% Superfood & Ancient Whole Grain, NUTRITIOUS, Low-Starch, Allergen-Free, one-to-one, all-purpose flour.
Corn, soy, wheat and rice have saturated North America for too long. They are altered by science, either stripped, processed, refined, bleached, modified, genetically modified, pasteurized or synthetically enriched.
Gluten-free bread and flour alternatives consist mostly of corn, potato, modified starches, and white rice, which provide NO nutritional value and are absorbed in the body as sugar. Subsequently, why gluten-free options have the nutrition profile of a biodegradable packing peanut and the taste and texture of cardboard, starches are heavy and sit in our stomachs like a bricks.
This contributes to a leaky gut and the sensitivities, intolerances, autoimmune and inflammatory bowel diseases that stem from it. Like Celiac, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ms, Lupus, Chrone’s, Colitis and IBS. I created Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Bread to be NUTRITIOUS, Low-Starch, Allergen-Free
and better help people like me, deal with their leaky gut.
We are healthiest and strongest when closest to nature, this certainly could not be truer than with food. Nature created us to absorb her bounty, NOT synthetic vitamins and minerals created in a laboratory.
The first and only NUTRITIOUS, LOW-STARCH, DAIRY-FREE, GLUTEN/ALLERGEN-FREE, bread that provides more than 21 essential nutrients, digestible vitamins and minerals, 2g of Protein, 2g of fibre, 1g of sugar in a 39g slice, naturally from the energy and power of Nature's finest superfoods and ancient whole grains making it healthier, delicious and more nutritious, than ALL Gluten/Allergen-free options, and provides more nutrients than ALL enriched wheat flour bread sold.
1 5q Stand Mixer you will want the power of a stand mixer
1 Scale for accuracy a digital food scale is essential
1 Measuring cup with spout to measure the water and slowly pour it into the center of the paddle while the douigh mixes
1 Small bowl to measure the eggs, oil and apple cider vinegar
1 Coffee Grinder, Food Processor,or blender To make sure your bread is as soft and fluffy as possible, I use the coffee grinder to make sure the oat brand and psyllium is finely ground
1 Bread Pans I use "el-cheapo deluxe" from dollar-tree, smaller than a standard 1-pound loaf pan.
Dry Ingredients
236gramsPeetz S.M.A.R.T. BlendNUTRITIOUS, Low-Starch, Allergen-Free, One to One Flour
15gramsOat BranRice bran can be swapped instead of Oat bran, but oat bran is more nutritious and why i choose to use it. Bob's red mill has gluten-free oat bran
20gramsPsyllium Fiber
22gramsYeast Quick rise yeastOnly one rise in GF breads
20grams White Granulated Cane Sugar
4gramsXanthan Gum
.4gramsAscorbic AcidAscorbic Acid is one element of vitamin C and also helps with more acidity and shelf life
104grams2 x Large eggs
85grams Sunflower OilSunflower Oil is high in Vitamin E or tocopherols which help stabilize the fat and provide additional shelf life. Olive provides a nice flavour. Canola can also be used,and if nothing else.
3gramsApple Cider Vinegaracid lightens up the dough
330grams Warm Waterroom temperature tepid water
Accurately weigh out all the dry ingredients using a digital scale. Blend all of them on low speed (2) for 5 to 10 mins, while measuring and preparing the wet
Use the coffee grinder, food processor or blender to make sure the oat bran and psyllium husk are ground as fine as possible.
Prepare your proofing/resting area, Empty your bun or bottom drawer of the oven.
Using the small bowl, weigh out the apple cider, oil, and eggs and set aside, warm the eggs to room temperature by resting them in hot water while preping the recipe
Add the egg mixture to the dry, while blending on low speed. This will create lumps in the dry mixture
Continue blending on low speed, using the spouted measuring cup, slowly add the water to the center of the mixture. Too fast and it will swish out of the bowl and make a mess, take your time.
Once the water is incorporated, it will be thick and lumpy, mix on high speed for 5 minutes.
While it is mixing, spray your bread pans with cooking spray, ensuring they are well sprayed. I use parchment in the middle of the pan and spray on the ends to avoid sticking.
Once the mixing is done, add the dough to the bread pan. I use a smaller pan, I bought from Dollar Tree,
Be sure to use lots of warm water on your hands as you pat and push the dough into the corners and smooth the top, using your wet fingers along the edges of the pan shape the dough into a log in the middle of the pan with space all around.
Proofing, this step is different than making gluten/wheat breads. It is more about resting the bread than proofing, your space does not need to be as warm as when you make gluten bread, a tad warmed than room temperature, try to rest them long enough to double or even grow 2/3 in size, just peaking a little above the rim of the pan approx 35 to 45 mins, the slower and longer the proofing the better the inside crumb of the bread.
Bake at 375℉ for 35 to 40 minutes, when you tap the top with a soup spoon there should be a hollow sound when they are done.
Remove the bread from the pans and let cool on wire mess rack for 60 mins before slicing.
With the sunflower oil and ascorbic acid, you should 3 to 5 days on the counter before they mildew.
Inspired by childhood memories, with my nieces’ assistance and in honour of my Eastern European heritage, this Dutch Apple Crumble Pie will make my Oma proud.
As a child growing up, I will always remember the fall when we would hop into the family station wagon, drive around the country dirt roads to find the biggest apple tree and collect the apples that had fallen in the ditch. We would bring them home, peal them and my mom would make the best apple pies, they were so big that mom would complain about needing to clean the oven afterwards from all caramelized sugars spilling over.
Did you ever think Dutch Apple Crumble Pie could provide more than 20 vitamins and minerals?
Or that it could be so delicious and completely
ALLERGEN-FREE with NO Gluten-Corn-Soy-Casein(Dairy)-Nuts-Peanuts-Legums or Pulses.
LOW-STARCH with NO Corn, Potato or Modified Starches.
NUTRITIOUS with More than 20 Vitamins and Minerals.
See the Nutrition Facts!
By: Holistic Nutritionist Peter de Hoog from Peetz
I suffer from a leaky gut, which created my food intolerances and sensitivities, and forced me to eat allergen and sugar-free.
North America has been saturated with corn, soy and wheat, for the last 60 years. All have been altered by science. Either stripped, processed, refined, bleached, modified, genetically modified or enriched with 8 synthetic vitamins and minerals.
The gluten-free alternatives are nutritionally void starchy rice surprises, consisting mostly of corn, potato and modified starches along with white or sweet rice.
A variety of starches, provide NO nutritional value and are absorbed in the body as sugar. This is the reason gluten-free has the reputation of having the taste, texture and nutrition profile of a bio-degradable packing peanut, starches are heavy and sit in our stomachs like a brick.
We are healthiest and strongest when we are closest to nature. This could not be truer than with food. Nature designed us to absorb her bounty, NOT synthetic vitamins and minerals created in a laboratory.
For these reasons, I formulated and created
S.M.A.R.T. Blend
Sorghum, Millet, Arrowroot, brown Rice, Tapioca
is the first 60% Superfood & Ancient Whole Grain one-to-one all-purpose flour that is naturally allergen-free, subsequently gluten-free with NO Corn, Soy, Casein (Dairy), Nuts, Peanuts, Legumes or Pulses.
Surprisingly low in starch with NO potato, corn, or modified starches, white or sweet rice.
is the first nutritious blend of 60% superfoods & ancient whole grains that naturally nourish the body with more than 15 essential nutrients, digestible vitamins and minerals that provide over 5% of DV for B6, thiamin, niacin and manganese, and has 2g of fibre per 30g serving. Easy to digest because they come from food, not a science lab.
Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Dutch Apple Crumble Pie + The Perfect Pie Crust
Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Dutch Apple Crumble Pie + The Perfect Pie Crust is ALLERGEN-FREE with NO Gluten-Corn-Soy-Casein(Dairy)-Nuts-Peanuts-Legums or Pulses. LOW-STARCH with NO Corn, Potato or Modified Starches. NUTRITIOUS with More than 20 Vitamins and Minerals. See the Nutritions Facts!
1tspSaltWhisk togehter the dry and refrigerate for 45 Mins or overnight
Wet Ingredients
½CupShorteningShortening, Butter, Lard, vegan Butter are all fats that can be used. The secret is keeping them cold and frozen so you are left with pea size fat clumps
½CupLardCut all the fats into ½ inch size cubes, separate on a pie plate, and freeze for 45 mins or even better overnight.
⅓ Cup Ice Water
1 - 2TbspIce Water
2tspFresh Lemon Juice or white vinagar
1largeeggsto egg wash the crust
Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Dutch Apple Crumble Pie
1homemade single pie crust 1 sheet of pie dough9" crust from frozen
1/2tspkosher salt use a little less if using table salt
3/4cupbutter melted1 and 1/2 sticks
Cut your fats into half-inch cubes,freeze your fats for a minimum of 45 minutes, preferably overnight.
½ Cup Shortening, ½ Cup Lard
In a deep, medium-sized mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, salt, and fat using a pastry blender or two knives, work the pieces of fat into the flour mixture, if your fat starts to melt take a break pop it back in the freezer.
2½ Cups S.M.A.R.T. Blend one-to-one All-purpose flour, 1 tsp Salt
The key to a flaky pie crust is keeping your ingredients ice cold and having pea-size clumps of fat throughout.
Turn the mixture out onto a clean work surface. Lightly knead your dough using your hands and bring it together in a ball, Cut the dough ball in half, wrap it in plastic wrap and rest it in the fridge
It's best to make the pie dough the day before so it can rest and chill for at least six hours or better overnight.
On a well-floured surface take your chilled dough and roll it out to make your top and bottom pie crust
Start by cutting up your fat into half inch cubes, Freeze your fat until hardened, minimum 45 minutes, ideally overnight especially working with food processor.
½ Cup Shortening, ½ Cup Lard
In the bowl of a food processor, add the flour, sugar and salt pulse a few times to combine. Add the cold cubed fat and pulse for about 30 seconds or until the fat pieces are uniform in size
2½ Cups S.M.A.R.T. Blend one-to-one All-purpose flour, 2 tsp White Granulated Cane Sugar, 1 tsp Salt
Mix the 1/3 cup of water and two teaspoons of lemon juice or vinegar together and drizzle over top of the dry mixture. Pulse briefly a few times to moisten dry mix and stick the ingredients together. The dough should stay stuck when pressed between two fingers it's OK if the dough is crumbly and messy.
⅓ Cup Ice Water, 2 tsp Fresh Lemon Juice or white vinagar, 1 - 2 Tbsp Ice Water
Separate the dough into two balls wrap in plastic wrap, flatten into 4 inch diameter disks and refrigerate for one to two hours
Roll out the dough
Let the dough sit at room temperature for 5 to 10 minutes or until slightly pliable.
Make sure to work on a well-floured surface, roll the dough out on your work surface, keep turning the dough every roll, to ensure it doesn't stick to the counter and is even in thickness. Add additional flour to the dough and the counter or your rolling pin as needed, roll out into two, 12 inch circles about 1/8 inch thick.
Gently roll the dough up and around the rolling pin, then unroll and drape over a nine inch pie plate, gently press into the pie tin, being careful to avoid stretching it to fit, use scissors or knife to trim the excess dough leaving a 1 inch overhang, fold the overhang under itself and crimp or flute, pierce the base of the dough with a fork
repeat this process to make your second crust
wrap the dough in plastic and refrigerate for at least two hours or overnight. At this point consult your recipe directions for how to use the dough or follow options below.
Bake dough:
If making a pie like pumpkin that calls for a pre baked shell, Preheat the oven to 425 for an extra crispy bottom crust place your oven rack on the bottom shelf and if you have one bake on a preheated baking stone.
Lined the chilled crust with foil, fill the crust completely to the rim with rice or drained beans.
Place on a rimmed baking pan
To bake with filling: bake for 15 to 17 minutes, or until just beginning to brown and no longer raw.
To bake completely
Bake for 20 minutes or until solidified. Remove foil and weights continue to bake until browned at the edges with light Browning in the centre about another 7 to 10 minutes.
Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Dutch Apple Crumble Pie INSTRUCTIONS
Choose your apples.
You need 5 pounds of apples for this recipe, which is about 11 large apples. I like to use a mix of apples for the best flavour. For this pie, I used Granny Smith, Cortland, Macintosh, and Globo,
5 pounds apples 5 pounds before peeling and coring
Make the filling:
Use a microplane grater to zest 1/4 teaspoon lemon peel into a 12-inch high sided skillet. The heat should be off.
1/4 teaspoon lemon zest
Add the juice from half the lemon to the skillet, about 2 tablespoons. Don't use much more than this, you're not making a lemon apple pie. We just want to wake up the apples a bit and keep them from browning.
2 Tbsp juice from half a lemon
Use a potato peeler or this handy apple peeler to peel the apples. Slice the apples into 1/8 inch pieces. I like to peel and slice one apple at a time so that they don't get brown: I peel one apple, then stop and slice it, add it to the pan with the lemon juice, and then move on to peeling the next apple. Stir the apples in the pan occasionally to coat everything with lemon juice.
Once you have all the apples peeled and sliced in the pan, set it over medium heat on the stove.
Add 1/2 cup packed brown sugar, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1/3 cup Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Blend, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, 1 and 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon, 3/4 teaspoon nutmeg, and 1/2 teaspoon cardamom (optional). Stir it together gently so you don't break all the apples.
1/2 cup brown sugar packed, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 1/3 cup Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Blend one-to-one all-purpose flour, 1/2 tsp kosher salt, 1½ tsp cinnamon, 3/4 tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp cardamom optional
Once the mixture is all moistened and you don't see patches of flour or cinnamon, set a timer for 20 minutes. Cover the mixture completely with a lid, but don't walk away. Stick around and stir the mixture every 3 minutes or so, replacing the lid each time. Cook for 20 to 25 minutes, until the apples are fork tender but still hold their shape. The apples will not soften more while baking in the oven. So have a taste and see if you want to cook a longer or shorter time. Only you can know your apple al dente perfection level.
Remove the pan from heat and stir in 1 teaspoon vanilla.*
1 tsp vanilla
Transfer the apple pie filling (including all the the brown caramel gooeyness) to a half sheet pan, or any pan with a lip. Spread the apples all the way to the edges. Cool the apple pie filling completely by placing it in the fridge or the freezer. If you put it in the freezer, it only takes 30 minutes or so. (If you have plenty of time, you can just leave the apples in the pan to cool down; it will take a couple hours.)
Roll out your pie dough and place in a 9-inch pie dish. Fold the edges underneath and crimp them with your fingers and thumbs. See my pie crust recipe for lots of photos and details.
Place the pie crust in the fridge or freezer for about 30 minutes, for a really flaky crust.
While the crust and filling are chilling, place a baking sheet or pizza stone in the center rack of your oven and preheat to 425 degrees F. Let it heat up for at least 20-30 minutes to make sure it's really hot.
Make the sugar crumble:
In a medium bowl, add the dry ingredients for the crumble: 1 and 1/2 cups flour, 1/3 cup white sugar, 3/4 cup packed brown sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt (use less for table salt). Whisk together.
1½ Cups Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Blend one-to-one all-purpose flour, 1/3 cup granulated sugar, 3/4 cup brown sugar packed, 1/2 tsp kosher salt use a little less if using table salt, 3/4 cup butter melted
In a small bowl, melt 3/4 cup butter (1 and 1/2 sticks). Pour the butter over the dry ingredients and stir together gently. You should end up with a pretty wet sandy mixture with some large clumps. See photos. Let it chill in the fridge until you are ready to assemble. Try not to eat it all.
When the apple pie filling in the freezer is completely cooled, and the pie shell is mostly frozen, take them out of the freezer. Use a rubber spatula to scrape all the chilled apple pie filling into the pie shell. Don't forget to scrape in every last bit of the gooey filling.
Use your hands or a fork to break the crumble into smaller bite size pieces. Top the pie with about a cup or two of the sugar crumble, not all of it! You only want to add enough to cover all the apples, we are not piling it on. (That's for later.) Place the remaining crumble back in the fridge to chill.
Bake the pie:
Place the chilled pie onto the baking sheet in the oven and let bake for 15 minutes at 425 F. The crust on the edge should be turning light brown.
Meanwhile, get a square of tin foil that is the same size as your pie. Fold it in half, then in half again. Cut out the center. Open it up again. You should have a square of foil with a circle cut out of the center. See pie crust post for more details.
After baking at 425 for 15 minutes, reduce the heat to 350 degrees F. Don't take the pie out of the oven. Just change the temperature.
Bake at 350 for an additional 10 minutes.
At this point, remove the pie from the oven and quickly shut the oven door.
Sprinkle the remaining chilled crumble all over the top of the pie. Break up large pieces with your fingers.
Place the foil on top of the pie crust (the center of the pie should be exposed). Loosely crimp it around the crust on the edge. This will protect the edges from burning.
Don't forget that your oven temperature should be at 350. Place the pie back on the hot baking sheet in the oven and bake at 350 for about 25-35 more minutes. (the pie should be in the oven for a total of about 55-65 minutes)
You will know the pie is done when the edges of the crust are brown and the crumble is turning a light golden brown in the center. If you want your crust and crumble to brown a little more, remove the foil shield and bake another 10 -15 minutes.
Let the pie cool on a wire rack for about 4 hours. I know, this is killer. But if you cut into it now, the juices will be lava hot and way too liquid-y. Your crumble will get wet and soggy sad. You have to wait for it to cool to room temperature to get the right texture for the filling AND to not ruin the crumble. Pie! A lesson in patience indeed.
Once the pie is completely cool, slice and serve! I considers it a crime to serve this without vanilla ice cream, Treat yoself right. Add in some caramel sauce for a really decadent treat!
Store the pie on the counter for up to 2 days, covered with plastic wrap or foil. After that transfer it to the fridge.
See notes for detailed freezing instructions!
*At this point you can add the apple pie filling (once cooled) to a large ziplock bag and freeze for up to 3 months! Use in pies, cobblers, apple crisp, etc.
How to freeze Dutch Apple Pie:
Method 1: Make the crust, filling, and topping and freeze each separately in freezer ziplock bags. Thaw in the fridge, then follow the directions for assembly and baking.
Method 2: Completely assemble the pie in the pie pan up through adding the first half of the crumble. Wrap the whole pie, pan and all, really well in plastic wrap and then foil (I suggest two layers of each to avoid freezer burn) and the second half of the crumb topping in a small freezer ziplock bag. Store upright in the freezer for 1- 3 months. The longer it’s in the freezer, the more it’s at risk of drying out. When ready to bake, remove pie from freezer and remove foil and plastic wrap. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees with a pizza stone or cookie sheet on the center rack. Follow the baking instructions in the original recipe starting with step 24, but plan on an additional 15-20 minutes of bake time at the end. Watch the second layer of crumb topping the last 10 minutes and cover the entire top of the pie with foil if it’s getting too brown.
Method 3: To freeze after baking the pie, allow the baked pie to cool completely, like a full 8 hours. Wrap it really well in plastic wrap and then foil (I suggest two layers of each to avoid freezer burn). When ready to bake, remove pie from freezer and remove foil and plastic wrap. Preheat oven to 350 degrees with a cookie sheet or pizza stone on the center rack. Once the oven is at temperature, place the frozen pie directly onto the cookie sheet/stone. Bake for about 30 minutes or until warmed through. Because the pie is already baked, you’ll need to watch your crust and crumb topping very carefully to make sure they don’t burn. Add a square of foil over the top of the whole pie if it's browning too much.
Nutrition Facts for Peetz S.M.A.R.T. Dutch Apple Crumble Pie + The Perfect Pie
Enjoy time in the kitchen with your family and friends this holiday season. Create sweet memories that will always hark back to the nostalgia of Christmastime.
Adding a drop of blue food colouring will give an icy cool look to your icing.
How to Make a Paper Cone for Best Ever Royal Icing
Take a square piece of parchment paper and cut it in half diagonally. This will give you a triangle with two equal sides.
Roll the left corner to meet the tip of the top of the triangle.
Hold together with one hand.
Roll the right side up and around to meet the back of the joining points.
Fold in the corners to hold the bag together, while leaving the top open.
Add royal icing.
Pinch the top together to close.
Fold the top inward to seal the bag.
Using scissors, cut a small whole in the bottom.
Other Tools of the Trade
You can also use a piping bag with a number 2 tip for piping.
Avoid Caking Icing
Cover the mixing bowl with a warm, damp cloth to prevent icing from drying out.
The Flooding Technique
Use this technique to thin down your royal icing to “flood” the entire surface of your cookie. But, before you begin, use the Best EverRoyal Icing to pipe a border around the edge of the cookie. This will hold in the “flooding”. The border should be 1/8 of an inch from the edge of the cookie.
Let icing dry completely.
Next, add a little water to your icing to achieve a fluid consistency. Mix with a spatula. Rotate the spatula in a figure eight configuration to release air bubbles.
The icing should be thin enough to drizzle off the spatula when lifted. Let icing rest for 20 seconds before using.
To flood just drizzle from a spoon or use a piping bag with a larger hole. No need for a piping tip! Move the icing outward using a toothpick to ensure the entire surface is covered.
Let dry slightly before adding sprinkles or beads.
Two-Dimensional Piping
Let dry completely before decorating by piping with Best Ever Royal Icing. This will give your cookies an artistic two-dimensional look. You will notice this technique on the Santa Claus cookie above.
Wet on Wet Technique
Before flooded icing dries, pipe decorations on top. This will sink into the royal icing and become part of a solid look. We like this method for adding lights to Christmas tree cookies, in a variety of colours.
Gift Packing Success
Let cookies dry for 24 hours before packaging.
Storage and Expiry
Store in the refrigerator covered with plastic wrap. Use within 2 days.
Christmas Sugar Cookies are a must on everyone’s baking list during the holiday season. Dig out all the Christmas cookie cutters you have been collecting over the years. In anticipation of times spent with family and friends, these cookies are a two-step process.
First, bake your cookies, until the edges are golden brown. Cool. Next , you are ready to whip up a batch of our Best Ever Royal Icing.
Fill your kitchen with fun, laughter, and special memories by baking these delicious holiday cookies.
Don’t forget to leave some out on Christmas Eve for that hard-working Santa Claus. Ho! Ho! Ho!
How does using room temperature butter make a difference in cookie recipes?
Butter needs to be at room temperature to enhance the creaming process. Creaming is achieved when beating butter with sugar. The warm butter allows the sugar crystals to enter creating pockets. When baked, these pockets help the cookie dough to rise. And voila! Light and airy cookies.
So, leave your butter on the counter until it is warm enough to hold the imprint of your finger. If you are rushed for time, you can also place whole sticks of butter in the microwave for 10 seconds.
How can I make these cookies dairy free?
We recommend Vegan Buttery Sticks from Earth Balance as a butter replacement. This plant-based substitute does the trick. It is used by many professional bakers in Canada.
Can I use this recipe to make drop cookies?
Yes, you can. Simple roll the cookies into 1- inch rounds. Next, place on the baking tray and press down with a fork or decorative Christmas press. Refrigerate for 15 minutes and then bake.
Why do you suggest refrigeration before baking?
The process of chilling the cookies slighting before placing in the oven makes the cookies hold the shape better. The edges of rolled cookies are just that much crisper.